Mafia Murders – November 3, 2017
The weather outside was frightful, but inside it was so delightful. A rare occasion to have some of the extra characters come out to play in Mafia Murders, so Doll Face and The Hammer were added into the mix to make this to a full on turf war for the Godfathers proverbial pie.
Town Hall Howler – Oct 31, 2017
If you want a ghost of a chance of getting revenge on Halloween, you better dress the part!
Resort to Murder – October 26, 2017
Being nearly Halloween, the congregation was mostly in costume and ready for macabre delights. It didn’t take long for bodies to start dropping, and motivations to become evident at Bow Valley Ranch Restaurant.
Hillbilly Wedding – October 28, 2017
At first it looked like just another pleasant fundraiser for the Forestburg Flyers Hockey Club and then an attempted murder happened
Resort to Murder – October 28, 2017
We had a wonderful time celebrating Bill’s 65th with his lovely wife Sharon, his kids, grandkids and the whole family. They went all out decorating their home and the entire evening had a very spooky feel.
Clue: Murder Is Not A Game – October 21, 2017
Murder is NOT a game, it’s serious business! The good people of Olds and surrounding areas were treated to the Events Management student’s evening of entertainment, with Smoking Gun Entertainment providing the show portion.
Mafia Murders – October 20, 2017
It’s the 1920’s at Fort Calgary! This public show was ridiculously fun. The outfits, the action, the birthdays!
Resort to Murder – Oct 20, 2017
The folks of Thompson Ahern sure know how to throw a great party
Murder If You Will – Oct 15, 2017
Oct. 15, 2017 Toronto Murder Mystery Just got back from a lovely event for Halton Honda, where the guest enjoyed a rousing evening of Murder if You Will. Everyone was hoping for their cut of the will, but due to a little bit of foul play I don’t think any of our characters left happy….
Hillbilly Wedding – October 14, 2017
The social committee at Marcon set up an event for their staff that would surely be talked about for the rest of the year around the office! They turned a legion hall in Langley into the perfect scene for our hillbilly wedding reception!
Clue; Murder is NOT a Game – September 23, 2017
For Sam’s 75th bday, the ol gang wanted something truly memorable to do together. That’s where the death of Mr Boddy coincided so nicely with their party plans that the suspects could all be invited too, for an evening of “Murder is not a Game!”
Resort To Murder – September 16, 2017
What happens when you take 30 hairdressers and put them on a remote campsite with 5 murder mystery actors? We found out when Zazou invited us to enhance their team building weekend with some murderous fun!
Train Robbery – September 2, 2017
The infamous Kenny the Kid is loose on the Aspen Crossing heritage train, and only Sheriff Ryan Stone can apprehend him before he loots the patrons for all their worth. Little do either of them know that local entrepreneur, Maria Goldigger is playing them both in hopes of cashing in.
Mafia Murder on a Train – September 9, 2017
All aboard the Prohibition, the only steam train where you can wet your whistle while the train whistle blows. Next stop, murder!
On way to High River, an attempt on the Godfathers life is thwarted but raises new questions of loyalty and revenge.
High School Reunion – August 11, 2017
Leslie’s 50th birthday was the BEST! We got to entertain 80 of her friends 80’s style with a High School Reunion at Fort Calgary.
The word Epic begins to cover the fun, but the truth is that it was a blast from start to finish!
Vegas Vendetta – June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
We had a lovely evening performing for PCL at Smoque n’ Bones in downtown Toronto. This time, Mike Olson played the Bumbling Fool….
Vegas Vendetta – June 16, 2017
Let’s go to “Vegas” with gold medalist Kyle Shewfelt (2004 floor routine gymnastics) and his amazing team of teachers and staff. When you’ve got instructors from ages 13 to “over 30’s” you’re in for an eclectic mix of ages and personalities, and pop culture references!
Vegas Vendetta – June 13, 2017
After a long hard day of meetings and challenges, what better way to unwind than with a trip to Vegas to blow off some steam… or blow away your boss!
Murder If You Will – June 9, 2017
When the pool boy offers to change into his skivvies so that the crowd will understand his many assets, you know you’re in for a good time.
Resort To Murder – May 25, 2017
ATB is used to dealing with risk management, but when a murder happened during their team building event, they had to mitigate an immediate laughter threat.
Blow The Man Down – May 13, 2017
‘Twas a rough day at sea on the boat with our pirate crew! These pirates had battled scurvy and shipwrecks, but nothing could prepare them for this kid’s birthday party on the river.
Vegas Vendetta – May 13, 2017
Bill won’t likely forget this surprise birthday for awhile. Although, there was a special drink in his honor (the Wild Bill) from the master cocktail mixers at Cannibale, so the memory might be fuzzy…
Mafia Murders – May 12, 2017
Sold out full house at Fort Calgary! A corporate party booking, a bachelorette party, and a bunch of sassy dates joined the “familia” for a night of mayhem and murder.
Vegas Vendetta – April 29, 2017
When you’re turning 75, you should be treated like royalty. Or at least like a sleazy casino owner who everyone wants to kill!
Hillbilly Wedding – April 21, 2017
Yeehaw! A wedding like this is rare and sweet. A small tight knit group of 40, with two bdays in attendance and some tremendous hi jinx. Sometimes a group is just there to party, chicken on a leash included, and it’s an honour to pilot their ship and make sure they arrive at Fun Island, for the Hillbilly Wedding!
Hillbilly Wedding – Apr 21, 2017
Yee haw Vegreville! All the finest hillfolks of the Vegreville Kinette club were at this fine country hootenanny! And boy was it a hoot!
Murder Is Not A Game – March 30, 2017
What fun! Using so many of the opulent and perfect rooms for the brand new Clue based script was so much fun. The billiards room, library, study, conservatory and dining room all lent themselves perfectly to the show.
Hillbilly Wedding – March 28, 2017
It was a hootin’ hollerin’ good ‘ol time when Smoking Gun Entertainment turned the WestGen AGM into a Hillbilly Wedding Reception!